Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Inilah.. 17 Fakta Unik Tentang Hari Valentine

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17 Fakta Unik Tentang Hari Valentine1. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa asal usul hari Valentine tidak hanya satu? Salah satu yang paling terkenal di ilhami dari nama Valentine / Valentinus seorang saint Romawi yang dihukum mati pada 14 Februari 270 sebelum Masehi. St Valentine dibunuh karena ia diam-diam menikah yang merupakan larangan dari kaisar Romawi pada saat itu. Kaisar melarang perkawinan setelah para lelaki Romawi menolak wajib militer dan lebih senang tinggal di rumah dengan istri mereka.
2. Apakah Anda tahu Nama Valentine berasal dari kata Latin yang berarti keberanian?
3. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa orang-orang telah mengirim ayat-ayat cinta untuk orang yang mereka cintai pada hari Valentine sejak lama dimulai pada Abad Pertengahan? Sebuah kartu ucapan hari Valentine tertua dikirim pada tahun 1400-an, dan saat ini disimpan di museum London Inggris. Kartu tersebut dikirim oleh Duke of Orleans kepada istrinya di Perancis. Duke saat itu dalam keadaan dipenjara di Menara London.
4.Tahukah Anda bahwa warga Amerika ternyata menjadi pengirim kartu ucapan terbanyak dalam hari Valentine? Mereka mengirim lebih dari 180 juta kartu Valentine !
5. Tahukah Anda bahwa kartu ucapan Valentine mulai aktif terkirim di Amerika dimulai dari tahun 1700?
6. Tahukah Anda Kartu ucapan Valentine di Amerika pertama kali dibuat oleh Esther Howland? Ia hidup di Massachusetts pada tahun 1840 dan menjual seharga $ 35 per kartu.
7. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa 65 persen rumah tangga di Amerika mengirim atau bertukar kartu ucapan Valentine?
8. Apakah Anda tahu Hallmark sebuah perusahaan memproduksi lebih dari 1.300 ragam jenis kartu hari Valentine yang berbeda?
9. Tahukah Anda 14 Februari adalah hari libur kedua yang paling populer setelah Natal di Amerika?
10. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa seorang pria Amerika menghabiskan rata-rata $ 156,22 untuk membeli hadiah pada hari Valentine baik itu bunga, kartu ucapan dan hadiah lainnya? Sementara seorang wanita hanya menghabiskan $ 85,08 saja.
11. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa 38 persen orang Amerika membeli cokelat untuk orang yang mereka cintai pada Hari Kasih Sayang? Kotak coklat berbentuk hati pertama kali dijual pada 1868 oleh Richard Cadbury. Sedangkan penjualan cokelat mulai meningkat pesat sejak akhir 1600-an.
12. Tahukah Anda sebanyak 32 persen warga Amerika membeli bunga pada Hari Valentine? Tiga perempat dari mereka adalah laki-laki.
13. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa mawar merah diyakini sebagai bunga favorit dari Dewi Cinta / Venus? Warga Amerika membeli dan mengirim lebih dari 110 juta mawar untuk hari Valentine? California adalah produsen terkemuka bunga mawar, walaupun sebagian besar yang dijual di hari Valentine diimpor dari Amerika Selatan.
14. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa satu dari 10 orang Amerika membeli perhiasan sebagai hadiah hari Valentine? Pada tahun 2005, penjualan perhiasan pada bulan Februari mencapai $ 2,4 miliar !
15. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa pada hari Valentine, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell mendapatkan hak paten pada penemuan telepon? Dengan adanya telfon, pasangan yang berjauhanpun dapat mencurahkan kasih sayang.
16. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa hari Valentine pertama kali diumumkan dan diresmikan menjadi hari libur resmi oleh Raja Henry VIII dari Inggris pada tahun 1537?
17. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa di Kolombia, merayakan Hari Kasih Sayang pada bulan September? Dan di Brazil, mereka merayakan hari Valentine, tanggal 12 Juni?

Posted By KKN IPI Lengkongjaya20.10

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Tentang kami

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Jika anda ingin mengirimkan artikel,memberikan kritik/saran, atau anda ingin tukar link , silahkan kirimkan ke :

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Posted By KKN IPI Lengkongjaya14.32

Differences KBps and kbps

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IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! Know this is where a lot of false perceptions! Actually between KBps and Kbps is different, indeed in much the same pronunciation.

Basically KBps and Kbps is a very different units. clay had the ISP's advertising campaign (Speedot, IM *, or Tel * Flash cell) that offers speed inet start up to 128 Kbps - 7.2 Mbps? But why do not fit real donlot prnah get much for ya? why GTU?

The following detailed explanation:
* KBps (Kilobyte per second)
* Kbps (Kilobit per second)
Konversi 1 byte = 8 bit

To find out the speed download Real side, gampangkan, who live divided aja d love ISP speed with the number 8 (Eight)

The following list is:
128 Kbps: 128/8= 16 KBps
256 Kbps: 256/8= 32KBps
384 Kbps: 384/8= 48 KBps
512 Kbps: 512/8= 64 KBps
1 Mbps : 1024/8= 128 KBps
This often raises the question of "why he said failure by the 256 kbps download cuman 32 KBps? If translated,

If 1 Byte = 8 bits does it mean when a subscription of 1 Mbps Dedicated and failure by the 128 KBps x 8 = 1024 Kbps / 1 Mbps
If the speed is 256 kbps then obtained is 256/8 = 32 KBps
If the speed is 384 kbps then obtained is 256/8 = 48 KBps

may be useful

Remember first fitting in college, if ga wrong time course file system. At that time, wereWhat is the difference bit by byte? His name is also mashiswa cupu, wrote in the blank: D. Until now, two terms that sometimes we hear, especially in terms of internet connection / speed / bandwidth etc..

Often people talk "internetku speed 384kbps but ko only 30-40kbps download it?"Actually both terms what the heck? When I took it from wikipedia,

  •         bytes (English: byte) is a term commonly used as a unit of data storage in computers. One byte consists of eight bits.
  •         The letter B is used in the short to byte. (B bits using the abbreviation.) As kB = kilobytes. Hard disk (hard disk) with a capacity of 40GB hard disk as easily mean that is capable of storing up to 40 thousand million (billion) bytes, or gigabytes of data.

So with a bit Byte is different. Usually internet speed at 384kbps, means to speed the Byte is 384/8 = 48 Kbps in a second meaning, it can deliver data at 48 kilo bytes.Byte and bit an example calculationSuppose you have a file consisting of 100,000 words and you want to know how long we can download these files via the internet which has a 33,600 bps connection.Assume in each word consists of 5 letters / characters. Means if there are 100,000 words, then you have 500,000 letters / characters:Each character consists of 1 byte, then you have 500,000 ByteEach byte consists of 8 bits, meaning that 500,000 Bytes you have is worth 500,000 x 8 = 4,000,000 bitsFurthermore you have 4,000,000 bits divided by 33,600 = 119 secondsThis means your time to download a file which has 100,000 words or less 119 seconds (2 minutes) with access speed of 33,600 bpsIn computer networks, normally Byte and bit used to describe the speed of transfer / download data.Unit KBps (kilobyte / second) if the data used here are generally used Byte for the unit (eg such as the protocols that exist at the application level such as http, ftp, smtp, etc.).While kbps (kilobits / second) is used when data is transferred using bits for the unit (eg a layer 2 protocols such as ethernet down the transfer of data in the frames).That's why the speed of a modem written = 33.6 kb / s (because the modem is included in the layer 2 protocols such as ethernet), whereas when we download a file, the browser will show (eg) 3 KB / s (because the browser is connected with http protocol / ftp).Why is 1 Byte = 8 bits?There are two stories. First, when it was time punch card (hole card). Second, when the first time the emergence of technology-based 8-bit processor.First story. Last punch card technology is able to handle characters by 64 characters where each character is encoded in the order of 8 combinations of holes. IBM, as the producer of punch card machines, they will be called the combination of 8 holes with a 'byte' is said to convey the 'octet'. Even so, the combination is not in ASCII format because it is true there has been no standardization of ASCII.The second story, continued from the first story. Punch card technology was later developed into a processor technology that it was only able to work in a combination of eight binary digits. Then adopted a combination of 8 hole punch card into the binary digits of the 8 'strengthen' the term 'byte'.Thus, finally 'byte' is then used as the unit of 8 binary digits. So that although the processor technology developed to be able to work in a 16-digit, still referred to as 2 bytes.Then, simply add the information. There are two types, namely singlecode character and unicode character. Limitations which only recognizes standard ASCII character number 256 is no longer sufficient for the development of an increasingly global. At first, this is overcome by developing a character encoding, which maps to 256 characters for a certain wilayah2. For example, in Asia the 60th character is 'A', but in Europe the 60th character is 'Ã €'. But this is a problem when writing of Europe (the European encoding) would be read in Asia (Asia encoding) because writing was a mess. Therefore developed a new standard called Unicode character in which one character is no longer represented by 1 byte, 2 bytes instead.

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Posted By KKN IPI Lengkongjaya14.14